Why are we in line for this ride?

Friday, November 30, 2012

OPK madness

OPK, for those who don't know, stands for ovulation prediction kit, or so I think. Basically, it is similar to a pregnancy test but it tests a surge of LH hormone which is a sign that your body is about to ovulate. Get a positive test, start baby dancing to try to catch the egg, just like what was shown in the Great Sperm race I posted last week.

These tests are not as clear as a pregnancy test. Seeing a second line is very common, but you must see a second line that is as dark as the control line. Talk about going crazy! So this month, I chose to try out the ones that give you a smiley face when it is positive. They are about 20x more expensive, but as clear as day when saying yes or no. If they work, they are way cheaper than going through IVF again.

Getting pregnant used to be easy, or at least that is what we were taught in school. The science behind it makes you wonder how there can be so many "mistakes" out there!

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