I feel this way a lot while going through this IVF journey. Sure, I have told many people that we have tried IVF and plan to try again. I don't hide it if friends or family ask questions. I don't tell people at work or the average joe on the street. Even with telling a few people, since they haven't gone through this journey, they just don't know what to say. And how do I teach them what I really want to hear if I don't even know what would comfort me when I am feeling down. Most the time I feel as though I am assuring them that I am fine or that they shouldn't feel weird asking me questions about it.
But then I read this blog post.
This is perfect. She addresses all of the cliche statements my people in my circle have said and provided a new way they could have said it.
Problem is, how do I share this with them without offending them? Answer is, I just don't. I would love to share it on Facebook, but then I would just "out" myself of having fertility issues which I don't want to the world to know. (sidenote: I am sure many have their assumptions since we have been married for over 2 years, in our 30's and no kids yet).
Take a read of the blog post above, it really is a great read!