Why are we in line for this ride?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Here goes...

Anyone who has tried to get pregnant knows the dreams and the joy that you start out with. Of course you hear stories of friends who took over a year to get pregnant, but then again, you know the same number of other friends that it took 1-2 months. If you average those out, you figure your odds are 6 months or so. Every month you pick apart every twinge, every day, in hopes a little bean has found its way to your uterus. But no luck.

What to do, right? Who do you talk to? How many times can you take hearing "just relax", "it will happen when you least expect it". These pep talks are well intended and in many forms, mimic the ones you heard after a tough break-up, claiming, you would never find "the one".

Don't get me wrong, my friends and family all mean well, and I knew there would be struggles before we ever started to try. See, my husband had a vasectomy in his younger years and we had it reversed. We are one of the lucky ones that sperm did return, but not many of them. So little that doc gave us a 5% chance of conceiving naturally. Hmmm, that seems a bit low, but still worth a shot.

Fast forward a few months of trying, we decided lets go forth with IVF. There was no reason to think anything was wrong on my end until the HSG. Those who don't know what type of test that is, it is where they insert dye into your uterus and watch it flow back out, checking for adhesions or blocked tubes. Well, I was found to have a blocked tube, OY! Fast forward again to the saline sonogram, the doc saw that same blocked tube was blocked on the top and bottom, known as hydrosalpinx. That drops chances even further for IVF.

We moved forward with IVF, being given a 40% chance versus 60% (still not bad right?). We got a big fat negative. Here is the tricky part, I went in for a second opinion and the Hydro could not be found and no where in my record, over the 12 visits or egg retrieval did a doctor see it. They chalked it up to a misdiagnosis.

We did a FET, got another negative. So here we sit, no answers on why it didn't work, still waiting in line to jump on the fertility ferris wheel.

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