Why are we in line for this ride?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Crazy Weather

Here on the East Coast we have experienced ice and snow this past Monday then turned around and had 65 degrees Tuesday and Wednesday (today). I believe it is going to drop again as the week goes on. Crazy, right?

I love snow, I do. I love to ski, snowball fights, the quietness that it brings when you step outside. But I also love spring. This change in weather makes me feel as if I can't figure out what to wear, what to wish for, should it stay cold or stay warm?

As with everything on this fertility ride, I try to find comparisons and meaning in everything lately. Take the weather for example, it can't seem to make up its mind. Very much like me at the moment.

I was all prepared to move forward with the laproscopic surgery until I decided I needed one more HSG dye test before to make sure my tube was indeed blocked. However, I go through our military healthcare system and they do it only on Wednesdays. And seeing that you can only do it CD 5-12, that only gives me one day a month that it would work. In January I was traveling and in February, if all goes as planned, I am running a conference on that one day I could do it. This will now be pushed out to March.

At the same time my husband had another SA to see if our numbers changed from the summer. They did increase but we are not sure if they increased enough to bring IUI back on the table. IUI is much cheaper than IVF and seeing that IVF failed twice, if IUI is an option, we will be trying that out for a bit. I seriously think it is only about $200. A whole years worth of it would not even equal what we have spent for IVF.

So here I sit, mulling over my options once again, as time ticks by. It really shouldn't be this difficult. But when multiple doctors can't agree on what to do, it puts you in a place that you need to be your own doctor. I want that magic answer and to see the future to know that it all works out.

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