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Friday, January 11, 2013

A little thing I call the flu

We have all heard the news reports, the flu is causing havoc on us all, especially us TTC! If you read one of my previous posts about all of the "signs" we mistake for being pregnant, I would like to add the flu to this list.

Seriously, who would think feeling tired, slightly foggy and maybe a litte warm would be anything but the flu. But when you are a crazed TTC lady like I am, I swear it must be a baby being created. Why wouldn't it be. I was healthy just a few days ago, I have not been around too many sick people and by golly, it's my turn for it to be a baby.

Maybe someone should invent a quick test that would tell me yes it is the early sign of the flu and stop thinking you are pregnant. My husband currently is this test for me. =)

Don't get me wrong, he would be over the moon if it was the opposite but after over 12 months of me saying I think this is it, I am truly the girl who cried wolf, over and over again.

The solution? Go home, put on comfy jammies, curl up to watch a movie and use it as an excuse to sleep in tomorrow!

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