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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Guilty Pregnant Friend

We all have close friends and family that have become pregnant during our TTC journey. And we hear a lot on how those who are struggling to conceive have a hard time sharing their joy or even going to baby showers. I completely understand but I don't read much about the pregnant friends pulling away due to guilt.

About a month ago I found out two friends were pregnant. One of these two friends is a pretty close friend even if we don't see eachother every day. The day she told me she was about 9 weeks along and we hung out all day. Since then, I haven't seen her. We have exchanged a few texts but that is about it. I wonder if she is feeling guilty about being pregnant and afraid to see me.

I know, it is not always about me but I just wonder if those who have not gone through infertility are afraid to confront it. We are all there to help our girlfriends through breakups, bad news from work or family but infertility, seems to be a hush hush topic. I find when I come upon someone who has gone through it or is going through it I feel instantly connected to them, wanting to talk about it and even joke about it. It feels so good to get it out in the open to someone else instead of my husband. My husband is great, he grounds me during this time, but I don't always want to constantly dwell on this stage of our TTC journey with him. I am sure he is going through things too with it so it is not fair to keep bringing it up.

So do you have friends that have gone MIA after they announce to you that they are pregnant? How did you deal or fix it?

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